Best Apps for Microsoft Teams in Q2 2021 based on AppSource insights

July 01, 2021 by Ilia Pirozhenko • 7 min read • Microsoft Teams

Best Apps for Microsoft Teams in Q2 2021 based on AppSource insights

Microsoft Teams is one of the most popular apps for remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The secret weapon of Microsoft Teams is its ability to unite a lot of services under one app, thus making collaborative work really easy and fun. While 80% of the work can be done inside the Microsoft Office365 ecosystem, sometimes you need 3-rd party apps. Often it’s a small single-purpose app that does only one thing but does it really well. In this post, we’ll review what great 3-rd party apps for Microsoft Teams you can find at Microsoft App Source.

I want to make the best apps list objective; that’s why I fetched all apps data from Microsoft AppSource, sliced and diced it. To select winners, I sorted apps by the number of reviews and their average rating. Easy-to-digest results can be found below. For curious readers, I attached the link to the fetched data at the end of the post. I hope you’ll enjoy this post and will find some great apps for your company.

Best apps for Microsoft Teams among all publishers

Let’s start with statistical data. Microsoft Teams Marketplace has 960 apps, and only 355 (36%) have at least one review. I assume that apps w/o reviews are not useful at all. Of 355 apps that have reviews, only 206 have more than one review. On average, an app with reviews has at least 5 reviews.

To find the best apps among all publishers at Microsoft AppSource, I selected Top-25 apps with at least 5 reviews and sorted them by average review score.

Results are in the list below; I bet you’ll find something interesting.

Prezi Video

Easily create and share video updates to make your messages more effective.

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EdCast K-ge Cloud

EdCast brings content recommendations, search and content discovery.

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Virto Kanban Board

Manage your tasks and projects using Kanban Board view

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Mindomo for Teams

Collaborative mind mapping, concept mapping, outlining, and Gantt charts

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Virto Calendar

Overlay and share SharePoint, Exchange and Meeting rooms calendars into a single color-coded view.

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imDocShare Teams

imDocShare Teams app allows users to view & edit iManage content within Microsoft Teams

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Social rewards and recognition platform.

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Collaboration software and workspaces for distributed teams.

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Acquire new skills, set career goals, and find opportunities with SkilledHuman.

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Converse with your data and discover insights in seconds

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Track your times efficiently. Use the time tracking tool that adapts to your workflow.

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Voice Panel by SIPPIO

Better than a Calling Plan, Simpler than Direct Routing

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AI-Powered, one-stop app for people and account intelligence.

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Manage shared email inboxes such as support@, sales@ or info@ with ease.

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TeamsChamp: Implements gamification in Microsoft 365 adoption processes and improves their use

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netDocShare - Live View & Edit NetDocuments content in Microsoft Teams

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Remote Workforce Management and Talent Engagement

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PageProof sends you notifications about your proofs.

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Beautiful universal navigation for SharePoint, Teams, and anywhere you work.

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Share and gather information in secure and intuitive tables.

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Immersive microbreaks for the workday and school day, powered by our bodies in motion.

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Perfect Wiki

Feature Rich Wiki for Microsoft Teams

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Teams Manager

Governance, Lifecycle & Teams Templates With Approval Workflow. Structure & Control For Your Teams!

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Tasks in a Box for Teams

Streamline your meetings, boost your projects

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We Decide

We Decide helps organizations to make faster decisions within the Microsoft Teams Platform.

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Best apps for Microsoft Teams by Microsoft

After reviewing the list of the best apps, I was curious why there are no apps from Microsoft. Does Microsoft AppSource have any popular apps developed by Microsoft itself? To answer this question, I quickly filtered apps by the publisher (“Microsoft”) and found that only two apps from Microsoft had more than 1 review and a rating greater than 4. List of the apps you can find below. Seems like Microsoft can develop nice apps only for software engineers...

What’s next?

I hope you enjoyed this post and found interesting apps for your company. In the next post, I’ll select the Top-3 best apps for Microsoft Teams for each category (productivity, sales, marketing, etc.); I think we’ll get interesting and non-obvious results.


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