
Discover the Advantages of Perfect Wiki Over Others

SharePoint Wiki that really Works

SharePoint Wiki that really Works---------------

My main aim was to create sort of a knowledge base or a wiki, but without any extra training, difficult setup process that would...


July 09, 2024

Top Confluence Server Alternatives for Microsoft Teams Users

Top Confluence Server Alternatives for Microsoft...

Many people choose Atlassian's Confluence as their go-to option because it provides a wide range of features such as wikis, intr...


July 07, 2024

Perfect Wiki vs IntelliWiki: Comparing Usability and Features

Perfect Wiki vs IntelliWiki: Comparing Usability...

Is IntelliWiki still able to compete in the rapidly evolving technology landscape and meet the increasing demand for wiki soluti...


March 07, 2024

Equivalent to Confluence for Microsoft Business Suite: Discover the Perfect Wiki

Equivalent to Confluence for Microsoft Business ...

Explore the Ideal Confluence Equivalent Integrated with Microsoft Teams for Seamless Collaboration and Project Management. Disco...


December 13, 2023

Perfect Wiki vs OneNote: What’s the Better Wiki Solution for Microsoft Teams?

Perfect Wiki vs OneNote: What’s the Better Wiki ...

Microsoft Teams users looking for an alternative to the largely disappointing built-in wiki are often pointed in the direction o...


October 12, 2023

Perfect Wiki vs Atlassian Confluence: Comparing Features

Perfect Wiki vs Atlassian Confluence: Comparing ...

Sharing company knowledge through a wiki app is becoming best practice among Microsoft Teams users. However, not all third-party...


October 10, 2023

Perfect Wiki vs DokuWiki: Comparing Usability and Features

Perfect Wiki vs DokuWiki: Comparing Usability an...

DokuWiki is known for its simplicity and compatibility with an array of useful plugins. But is MS Teams one of them? And is it r...


September 01, 2023

Perfect Wiki vs MediaWiki: Comparing Usability and Features

Perfect Wiki vs MediaWiki: Comparing Usability a...

MediaWiki is one of the oldest knowledge bases in the game. But can it accommodate modern users’ desire for simplicity and integ...


May 27, 2022

Perfect Wiki vs MS Teams Built-in Wiki: Comparing Features

Perfect Wiki vs MS Teams Built-in Wiki: Comparin...

About a year ago, we reviewed the Microsoft Teams built-in wiki and ironically found it lacking most of the basic features that ...


April 28, 2022

Robin Steen - Head of the ICT department at ARhus

“Users are not losing time with the layout of their document or with finding the correct procedure they currently need. No one needs a manual to set up a page or edit the documents. Plus, knowing the documents can be retrieved, or rolled back to a previous version, gives great comfort to the IT-department.”

Robin Steen

Head of the ICT department at ARhus

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Create an internal knowledgebase for your company or team quicker than it takes to make a coffee.